xbeyondinsanex wrote in ontd_ai Sep 15, 2010 22:01
tears and semen, don't go to bed, get a life!, !season 8, he hopping across stage like bunny, have a blessed day, shit literally happened, i'm a huge crybaby and i talk to myself, feminine enough without crying, thank you @god, we can go higher, adam & kris write the fanfic you guys, tears of joy on my pillow, feeling sorry for my sorrow, i pine for you, we realllllly like american idol, a bunch of hot dorks, all the midgets are kris, shit just got real
bloodbelieve wrote in ontd_ai Feb 19, 2010 02:06
time for miracle-gro, plantbert is real, i'm rooting for you, so hot out the pot, i pine for you